Bolstering your data security

mWater has a strong track record of data safety, and we aim to maintain it. A common cause of data breaches is inadvertent actions by users, hence, we want to share top tips on how to keep your data as safe as possible.

1) One user, one account

A very common detail among most hacks is that a dummy account was being shared among several people. In mWater, we ask all users to have their own account tied to their real name and email. We make it easy to share admin status with multiple accounts. There is never a reason that overcomes the safety risk of making dummy accounts.

2) Password safety

We urge you to change your password today. As an admin, your account is a prime target for malicious attempts, and a compromised password could expose your organization’s data. Let’s delve into crafting secure passwords.

A robust password should be hard to guess. It's advisable to mix unrelated words, characters, and numbers, for instance, "apple*7dog sky". mWater supports spaces between characters, making it easier to create complex passwords. Avoid using personal information like birthdays, addresses, or names that can be easily associated with you.

It’s risky to reuse passwords across multiple sites. If one site gets hacked, your credentials could be shared on malicious platforms, risking other accounts including your mWater account. It's best to have distinct passwords for each account. We understand that remembering all of them can be challenging, but password management tools can help. Alternatively, keeping a securely stored written list is a better practice than reusing passwords.

A proactive step you can take is to encourage all members of your organization to change their passwords. Share this blog to spread these tips on how to create safe passwords.

3) Phishing attacks

Recent data breaches highlight phishing as a prevalent method employed by attackers. They obtain or guess admin account passwords and masquerade as legitimate users. Combating phishing entails robust password security and user education on recognizing deceitful links mimicking authentic login pages.

Phishing attempts deceive users into believing they're accessing a genuine site, like their email, capturing their credentials in the process. Attackers often send alarming texts or emails with malicious links or attachments, urging immediate action. Clicking these may download malware onto your device, monitoring your activities like logins.

Be wary of links and attachments in emails and texts. If redirected to a login page unexpectedly, close the page, visit the actual business or service site independently, and login there. Familiarize yourself with common phishing tactics through this article.

If a phishing attack compromises your organization, prompt all users to change passwords and contact mWater for support concerning data breaches or ransom demands. We maintain data backups and can aid in recovery.

Take a moment today to share this short video tutorial on phishing with your colleagues to enhance awareness.

Further resources

Read our data security manual for an in-depth look at how to protect yourself with good data hygiene:

Many countries are beginning to adopt a European data safety policy called GDPR. mWater is GDPR-compliant. Read more here:

Our terms of service agreement guarantees users own their own data, and we will never sell access to their data or make it available for third party use:

Your efforts are instrumental in preserving the integrity of mWater and Solstice as dependable data repositories. Reach out for any inquiries on this topic at

Petri mWater