"The simplest water test on the market compliant with WHO guidelines."
Designed for community health workers, NGOs, and anyone working on last mile implementation Train anyone in less than a day - no prior water quality experience required Simply fill bag, add one drop to test plate, and wait 24 hours to read the results.
No laboratory or equipment needed
Each kit contains everything you need for safe, effective, reliable water quality monitoring All items are single-use and pre-sterilized No incubator needed - if room temperature is between 25 and 40 degrees Celsius If steady ambient temperature is not expected mWater recommends using this incubator.
Meets WHO guidelines
Measures E. Coli - the most reliable indicator of fecal contamination
Levels comply with World Health Organization guidelines for safe drinking water and safe bathing water.
Integrated with the mWater Surveyor app
Map water points and add water quality data using any smartphone or computer Instructions and standard forms are included in the mWater Surveyor app Use the mWater Portal to make maps and dashboards with your data.
mWater kits contain all the supplies needed to perform 20 tests.
Test includes
E. coli 1 ml
E. coli 100 ml
Coliform Bacteria
Nitrate / Nitrite*
Chlorine residual*
Tap Water
Shallow Wells
Tube Wells
Treated Water
Household Storage
Cost per kit
$200 (USD)
Each kit contains
20 tests
Test strips and color chart can be included as an extra cost
*Only tested by using test strips and color chart | Ships Worldwide - shipping costs not included
Test methods
mWater Test Kits are designed for frontline health workers, utility water managers, and local organizations. The kits measure critical drinking water quality parameters, as advised in the targets for SDG6. All components have been adapted for field use from commercially available products used in professional labs.
Nitrate / Nitrite and Chlorine only can be tested if Test Strips are included in kit.
Test procedure
mWater Test Kits are designed for frontline health workers, utility water managers, and local organizations. The kits measure critical drinking water quality parameters, as advised in the targets for SDG6. All components have been adapted for field use from commercially available products used in professional labs.
Nitrate / Nitrite and Chlorine only can be tested if Test Strips are included in kit.

To order kits, contact mWater
* Indicates required field