Customizing the mWater surveyor app
How it can help your organization
Our surveyor app is one of our core products, available to every user of mWater. It can be used for free at all times. Enumerators can gather standardized data on water infrastructure, to be fed into data analytics for maintenance and system planning.
However if you want to use the mWater surveyor app at scale or fully customize it to your own brand and needs, we can provide you with a customized app configuration. We can create an app configuration to suit your entire organization, and up to four more for different purposes, such as a particular programme, grant, country office, or regional team. Organizations including WaterAid, World Vision International and Medair now use our customized surveyor app configurations.
“My only regret at this point is that we did not invest in the configuration sooner!”
Allen, World Vision International
Customizing your surveyor app will often pay for itself, through savings in time and effort, and minimized data errors.
Is a customized app right for me?
Our customized app configurations are ideal for organizations who feel they would benefit from:
- Custom branding
- Designing their user experience
- Eliminating sources of user error to improve reporting
- Improved offline data gathering
- Unlimited storage of full-resolution images of sites
- Three days of personalized training and consultation with us
Our package includes app configurations for up to five different projects or use cases. For example, we could provide an app for your organization as a whole, and then another for a specific project, grant and so on. We design it so you can easily switch between different project home pages when using the surveyor app.
Our custom app configurations enable a number of automations that save time and effort, and minimize data errors.
Custom branding
You can integrate the mWater surveyor app into your branding. We can extensively change the look and feel of the app to suit you.
Design your user experience
Save your enumerators time searching for the correct survey, by placing your primary surveys onto your app home page. You can also give these surveys a custom name and description, making them easier to identify.
We can also provide lots of other ways to make data entry easier and faster. We can set a default filter on your app’s map, so it will only show your sites. We can enable a dropdown list that allows enumerators to instantly update a water point as functional. If there is a particular type of site that you never work with, we can remove it from the sites displayed to your enumerators.
If you can imagine it, we can make it happen.
“mWater’s custom app config allows us to focus our field operations on the attributes that are most critical to our success. We can direct staff towards filling out the right information to track our assets and address issues in a timely manner.”
Philip, Water4
Eliminating sources of user error to improve your results
In the free surveyor app, an enumerator needs to enter information on the water site manager each time they’re mapping. Errors can and do occur. If you’re an organization who is tracking the sites where you have positively intervened in a given year, these errors can be significant. Setting their surveyor app to automatically complete this field has been demonstrably valuable to our partner organizations who are reporting their results to donors and to the world.
Improved offline data gathering
If you’re working in areas with poor internet connectivity, we have several tricks to make life easier.
We can set a maximum image size, to reduce upload time and data requirements.
We can set the rules so that your local infrastructure locations are always available in the app - the GPS will take your enumerator straight to the site, even without internet access. They can then update their survey data to active sites.
Training and consultation for three days
As well as the software customization, our app configuration package gives you three days of expert training and consultation with mWater. Our experts will be available to answer your questions and help you make the most of our services. From importing your existing data onto the mWater platform, designing effective surveys and analysis dashboards with you, to ensuring your organization is ready to scale to any size, we will share our knowledge and skills to bring you the results you want.
The training also means that your organization can make its own future adjustments to your custom app configurations.
App configs are part of our custom configuration package with a custom website hub. You can find more information here:
The one-off fee to gain permanent access to the custom configuration is 50,000 USD.
Please do contact us if you have any questions, or would like to discuss your own customized app.
Note: If you are working with a national government, and want to set up a custom app configuration owned by the government, please reach out and we will set one up with you.